Mit frischen Farben in den Frühling!

Endlich ist der Frühling da und mit den Rollschuhen kann das Wetter genossen werden. Die ersten Sonnenstrahlen, Fahrtwind und Freunde treffen, mit denen man zusammen durch die Gegend fährt. Der Frühling ist die perfekte Jahreszeit, um bunte Farben zu tragen. Warum dann nicht auch bei den Rollschuhen zu frischen Farben greifen? Unsere Luna Skates Mint Flash […]
Start the spring with new wheels and bearings!

Spring is just around the corner, and you want to skate outside again. Before you start rolling, your wheels might still need a moment of assessment. Finally, the driving fun must not fail because of the wheels or bearings. Wheels The wheels wear differently. This is due to the driving style, the surfaces on which […]
The Luna Skate Savannah – a noble highlight
The Luna Skate Savannah is a visual highlight with its warm beige colour. Between bright colours or the classics like black and white, the Savannah definitely stands out! Beige is a noble colour and emphasises bright colours. It also stands out in a pleasant way. Thus, in these hectic times, the Luna Skate Savannah combines […]
Der Luna Skate Savannah – ein edles Highlight
Der Luna Skate Savannah ist mit dem warmen Beige ein optisches Highlight. Zwischen knalligen Farben oder den Klassikern, wie Schwarz und Weiß, sticht der Savannah definitiv hervor! Beige ist eine edle Farbe und betont bunte Farben. Zudem fällt sie auf angenehme Art und Weise auf. Somit verbindet der Luna Skate Savannah in diesen hektischen Zeiten […]
If you’re lacking warmth in the cold season, bring it home from the savannah with the new SAVANNAH!
Wheels, Toe Guards & Fashion – Shop now our new Luna Skates Accessories
You want to adjust the style of your skates or get new wheels?
LUNA SKATES now with High Rebound Wheels
The highest quality polyurethane was used for the production of the current LUNA SKATES.
The new LUNA SKATES are finally here and impress as usual with their combination of best quality and beautiful looks.
LUNA SKATES – Now even more comfortable to wear!
From the very beginning, we have attached great importance to the wearing comfort of LUNA SKATES. You can feel this as soon as you put on a LUNA SKATE.
High demand from abroad
Although launched in Germany for the German market, interest in LUNA SKATES from abroad has increased extremely.